Author Archives: solarbird

Movie review: Galaxy Quest, by DreamWorks

Webmaster’s note 1/17/2016: This is an old review from the previous version of the site, which we’re bringing in as a post so that it’ll be searchable in the reviews categories with newer content.

Galaxy Quest

Galaxy Quest

review by R’ykandar Korra’ti

I cannot believe I just spent the last two hours laughing at a Tim Allen film. I hate Tim Allen. But Galaxy Quest is hysterical.


Everybody in it is just funny, and boy howdy, do the writers know their Star Trek. It’s clever, it’s quick, it’s leaving theatres pretty quickly unless the overwhemingly good word-of-mouth saves it.

I’m not going to say anything in detail about it. Just funny, funny, funny. Go see it.

Movie review: A.I, directed by Steven Spielberg

Webmaster’s note 1/17/2016: This is an old review from the previous version of the site, which we’re bringing in as a post so that it’ll be searchable in the reviews categories with newer content.


reviewed by R’ykandar Korra’ti

Spoiler-free picoreview:
This movie, while excellent, is more depressing than the alternate version of Schindler’s List where the Germans win.

Spoiler-free comments list:
Stanley Kubrick apparently directed about half of this and built about half the sets, all from the grave, via his production notes. (It was originally a Kubrick project.) Sixth Sense wasn’t a fluke; Haley Joel Osment is astounding. Holy crow this movie is depressing. Don’t take your kids; if they don’t understand it, they’ll be bored to tears; if they do understand it, they’ll be locked into hysterical depression for about a YEAR. And did I mention this movie was depressing?